Clothing and Shoes

Home Ways to Give Clothing and Shoes

Clothing & Shoes

Clothing and Shoes

You may drop off clothing or shoes at one of our nine Saint Vincent de Paul stores, or place the items in one of our 40 blue boxes.

Clean clothing and shoes that are dropped off at a store are sorted by volunteers and those items found to be in reasonably good condition are then displayed for sale at the store. If the items are clean but not in a condition for resale, they will be set aside to be picked up by our central warehouse for resale. Prior to dropping off a donation, please contact the specific store for donation times.

Clean clothing or shoes may be placed in one of our 40 Society of St. Vincent de Paul blue donations boxes located throughout the four county areas. Clothing and shoes placed in a blue donation box are collected by our central warehouse, then bailed and sold to a broker for resale.